It’s been 2,737 days since I decided to give up socially drinking alcohol, that’s over 8 years!
Physically my body was over it, mentally I was done from using alcohol to cover up and run away from my insecurities, fears and trauma. And spiritually my soul put her foot down and simply said enough I’m not doing this bullshit anymore, I will not sit back and allow yourself to numb with this toxic substance one more day. I’d been binge drinking socially since the age of 14 wtf 😬
I see so many people use alcohol irresponsibly, I’ve seen friendships and relationships end, I’ve seen shocking behaviour’s, myself included and the most disturbing part is the way we use alcohol as an excuse, “ I was drunk it doesn’t count” “ I don’t remember I was drunk” “ I need a drink to relax it’s been a tough week/ day ” “ I need a few drinks before I can get on the dance floor”.
My mum is an addictions recovery worker and I’ll never forget the day she told me alcohol is the most addictive and deadliest substance because it is the most easily accessible 😳
I get it I do, it’s a self soother but when will we as a society take a moment to really self reflect and ask the hard questions. When you go to grab that first drink of the weekend or week day, what is it that you’re feeling or wanting and how can you honour those parts of yourself without a substance.
When will we truely take our power back and use alcohol ‘responsibly’ there’s nothing wrong with having a drink or 2, but reflecting on our intentions and why we go beyond responsible drinking, is it not time to get curious?
Ask yourself how much has alcohol physically hurt you, how has alcohol emotionally, mentally or even physically hurt someone you care about through your actions? Are there parts of yourself you are numbing or running from or fear to authentically express in fear of being judged or seen? Is alcohol retraumatising yourself or others and perpetuating unhealthy coping mechanisms and patterns, will this pattern end at you or continue with your children?
I see so many post especially with ‘ dry July’ coming up. Great you did a week, month, year! Can you do 5 years, 20?
I’m on my way to year 9, I’m telling you now it was not easy, especially at the start, the way my sobriety made others feel uncomfortable was such a journey but it took me on a path of deeper self acceptance and accountability. Realising that I do not need to fit the mould to make others comfortable, that’s on them, and I do not need to justify myself.
I’m here if anyone would like support or to share their journey. You are not alone and it is doable, I am the proof!